Quare Studies and Queer of Color Critique

intersectional lenses for advertising research


  • Francisco Leite ECA/USP




Quare Studies; Queer of Color Critique; Intersectionality; Advertising.


The objective of this article is to inform and stimulate a discussion about the potential that the theoretical contribution of the quare studies and queer of color critique can offer to support advertising research that seek to ensure and develop in their approaches the intersectional perspectives on race, gender and sexualities. Therefore, guided by a bibliographical research, this article presents and highlights some conceptual notions of the fundamental principles of these theoretical perspectives, which stand as critical interventions to the movement and traditional queer academic productions.


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Author Biography

Francisco Leite, ECA/USP

Doutor  em  Ciências  da  Comunicação  pela  ECA-USP,  com  estágio  de  doutoramento  PDSE/CAPES  na  Universidade de Trento e na Universidade de Bolonha (Itália). Pós-doutorado em Comunicação e Consumos na USP, com bolsa FAPESP (2019-2021). É pesquisador vice-líder do grupo de pesquisa ArC2 - Estudos Antirracistas  em  Comunicação  e  Consumos  ECA-USP/CNPq.  Autor  de  “Publicidade  contraintuitiva: inovação no uso de estereótipos na comunicação” (2014), coorganizador e autor de “Publicidade Antirracista: reflexões, caminhos e desafios” (2019), obra finalista do prêmio Jabuti 2020. E-mail: leitefco@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Leite, F. (2022). Quare Studies and Queer of Color Critique: intersectional lenses for advertising research . Revista Eco-Pós, 25(3), 385–412. https://doi.org/10.29146/eco-ps.v25i3.27787