The transformations of the contemporary look by Giselle Beiguelman: algorithms, artificial intelligence and the pandemic

algoritmos, inteligência artificial e pandemia




image policies, algorithm, technology, pandemic, Brazil


In this review, emphasis is placed on some aspects of Giselle Beiguelman's book “Politics of Image: surveillance is the challenge and resistance in the dataosphere”, whose objective is to think about the contemporary image in the face of technological presence and complexity in information flows. Constructed from main axes that include theoretical discussion and how artistic propositions interface with technology, the book suggests a path in the transformation of the look by machines over time. It highlights the power relations and implications of distancing and mediation during the Covid-19 pandemic.


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Author Biography

Tarcisio Torres Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas – PUC-Campinas

Professor pesquisador na PUC-Campinas. Membro do corpo docente do mestrado em Linguagens, Mídia e Arte. Professor visitante do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal. Doutor em Artes Visuais pela Unicamp, com estágio no departamento de Estudos Culturais, Goldsmiths College, Universidade de Londres.


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JAMESON, Fredric. Pós-modernidade e sociedade de consumo. Novos Estudos CEBRAP, São Paulo, n. 12, p. 16-26, jun. 1985.

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How to Cite

Silva, T. T. (2022). The transformations of the contemporary look by Giselle Beiguelman: algorithms, artificial intelligence and the pandemic: algoritmos, inteligência artificial e pandemia. Revista Eco-Pós, 25(1), 488–496.