Faça como se, Sancho

uma escritura de invenção no teatro do mundo


  • Gabriel Pedrosa faculdade de arquitetura e urbanismo - universidade de são paulo (FAU-USP)




Dom Quixote; Acting; Theatrum Mundi; Deconstruction.


Based on a Don Quixote's exhortation to Sancho for the squire to reinvent a banal account he makes in a manner more propitious to the fantasies of the walking cavalry, this article aims to think acting as invention, through the analysis of Quixote's performance in the theatre of the world, reading in the potency of his poetic writing, and in those of some others that followed it, the possibility of a reversal of the secondary and negativity with which the theme of representation is often dealt with in western culture.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa, G. (2023). Faça como se, Sancho: uma escritura de invenção no teatro do mundo. Revista Eco-Pós, 26(2), 539–556. https://doi.org/10.29146/eco-ps.v26i2.27874