Beyond slowness: influences of the relations between space and time in the concept of ethnographic journalism.

influências das relações entre tempo e espaço no conceito de jornalismo etnográfico.


  • João Noé Alves de Carvalho Universidade de Coimbra
  • Francisco Carlos Guerra de Mendonça Júnior


Jornalismo, Etnografia, Jornalismo etnográfico, Jornalismo lento, Observação participante


This article analyses journalistic practices taking the assumption of ethnography as a “thinking-method” (Caifa, 2013). The aim is to think of how journalists use participant observation in their works. To do that, we depart from the concept of “ethnographic journalism” by Hermann (2016a; 2016b), who classifies this genre as a type of slow journalism that takes slowness to an extreme. We propose to expand this conception, including in the analyses of the subject the locations (geographic, social, and cultural) of journalists in coexistence with interlocutors in the field. 


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How to Cite

Noé Alves de Carvalho, J., & Carlos Guerra de Mendonça Júnior , F. (2022). Beyond slowness: influences of the relations between space and time in the concept of ethnographic journalism. : influências das relações entre tempo e espaço no conceito de jornalismo etnográfico . Revista Eco-Pós, 25(3), 86–108. Retrieved from