Podcasts from an ethnographic perspective

entering the field of hip-hop podcasts


  • João Pedro Pacheco Van Der Sand UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Sandra Rubia da Silva Português




Ethnography, Hip-hop, podcasts, Youtube, Audiovisual


This article presents a methodological exercise using Podcast Ethnography (Lundström and Lundström, 2021). In addition to summarizing the three steps of the method and some of its theoretical assumptions, we report the first months of an ethnography on hip-hop podcasts. For two months we followed Grigos Podcast, a podcast focused on hip-hop culture recorded in a record store in São Paulo. In the main section we detail our path during participant observation, the structure of the observed object and the results of this exploratory venture. The main themes noted are: historical record function; discussions about media consumption; the podcaster's work; politics and politicization in hip-hop; and the daily life of the guest artists.


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Author Biographies

João Pedro Pacheco Van Der Sand, UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Doctoral student in Communication at UFSM - Federal University of Santa Maria. Master in Communication from UFSM - Federal University of Santa Maria. Bachelor in Social Communication with a degree in Journalism from UNIJUÍ - Regional University of the Northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. He worked professionally as a journalist at Rádio Unijuí FM. He was a PIBIC / CNPq Initiation Scholar between 2011 and 2013, working on the "Border Project: a border identity on the radio waves".

Sandra Rubia da Silva, Português

Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences and at the Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Santa Maria (POSCOM/UFSM). Master in Communication and Information (UFRGS) and PhD in Social Anthropology (UFSC), with a sandwich doctorate internship at University College London (UCL), founding institution of the University of London, under the guidance of prof. Daniel Miller.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Van Der Sand, J. P., & da Silva, S. R. (2023). Podcasts from an ethnographic perspective: entering the field of hip-hop podcasts. Revista Eco-Pós, 26(2), 432–454. https://doi.org/10.29146/eco-ps.v26i2.27954