A compreensão de usuários acerca de conteúdos jornalísticos em vídeo 360°


  • Luciellen Souza Lima Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA




Understanding, 360° Video, Sense of Presence, Reception Study


User understanding is a key element for journalistic content. With the increase in the number of technological resources and the multiplication of formats, we realize the importance of analyzing understanding regarding emerging formats. Thus, in this study we focused on journalistic content that uses 360° videos, seeking to achieve two objectives: to understand how journalistic content is understood in 360° video and to identify sensations that can influence this understanding. To this end, we carried out a reception study, including tests with users, a questionnaire and an interview. Hypotheses elaborated took into account the level of understanding and the way of understanding, relating it to the sensation of presence, a central element in narratives of this type. Among the results, in general, the participants realized that they were able to understand the meaning of the narrative, but not fully. Some aspects got in the way, such as the difficulty of assimilating images and audio at the same time. And the participants realize that the experience results in a way of understanding reporting that is different from other media.


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How to Cite

Souza Lima, L. (2023). A compreensão de usuários acerca de conteúdos jornalísticos em vídeo 360°. Revista Eco-Pós, 26(3), 267–293. https://doi.org/10.29146/eco-ps.v26i3.28135