
Speed watching, sua lógica, histórias e paradoxos


  • Julio Bezerra



speed watching, neoliberalism, culture war, early cinema, digital cinema


One of the most visible challenges in contemporary cinema is negotiating the increasing speed of film form and culture. The objective of this text is to think about the so-called speed watching, a practice that helps us to map the contours of audiovisual consumption today, as well as the affective, ethical and libidinal economy that mark the spectatorship of our time. Along this path, we will cross issues such as an increasingly strong dialogue with early cinema, the constant idea of the “death of cinema”, the seventh art as an individual and solitary experience, the exhibition ritual, the neoliberal discourse and the digital culture.


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How to Cite

Bezerra, J. (2023). Acelera! Speed watching, sua lógica, histórias e paradoxos. Revista Eco-Pós, 26(2), 138–158.