Uma etnografia sobre desconexão voluntária:

motivações e estratégias para desconectar



Digital Cultures, Digital Detox, Ethnography, Ethnography for the Internet


The narratives around the consumption of technologies are crossed by ambivalences that see digital media as beneficial and harmful. So, contemporary movements such as voluntary disconnection present themselves as capable of balancing the consumption of social networks and smartphones in order to establish well-being for their users. Therefore, through an ethnography for the internet (HINE, 2015), this study aims to analyze the main motivators for the exercise of voluntary digital disconnection and its imbrications in the reality of a specific group of participants, mainly through three important elements for digital distancing: presence, productivity and privacy (SYVERTSEN, 2020). In the end, the motivators for a digital distancing are revealed as heterogeneous and marked in the unique experience of each individual, and also to support the development of disconnection strategies followed by the user group.


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Author Biography

Sandra Rubia da Silva, Federal Univerity of Santa Maria

Associate Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences and at the Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Santa Maria (POSCOM/UFSM). Master in Communication and Information (UFRGS) and PhD in Social Anthropology (UFSC), with a doctorate internship at University College London (UCL), founding institution of the University of London, with PhD Professor Daniel Miller as advisor. Her thesis, which was supervised by Prof. Dr. Carmen Rial, throught an anthropological approach, investigates appropriation strategies and sociocultural practices related to the consumption of cell phones in urban peripheries. She was a professor at the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Languages ​​at Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP), where she supervised three master's dissertations. Winner of the fourth edition of the Jóvenes Investigadores competition (2010) promoted by the DIRSI ? Regional Dialogue Sobre la Sociedad de la Información, she was awarded the Amy Mahan Young Researcher Fellowship in ICT Inclusion Policies by the IDRC-International Development Research Centre, Canada. She was a member of the judging committee, for two editions, of the GSM Global Mobile Awards, promoted by the GSM Association (London) in the Mobile Use for Social and Economic Development category. She is currently a member of the permanent faculty of the Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Santa Maria. Since 2010, she has advisored twelve master's dissertations and four doctoral theses, in addition to supervising two post-doctoral internships. She is the leader of the Digital Consumption and Cultures Research Group (UFSM / CNPq). As a manager, she held the positions of Head of the Department of Communication Sciences (2014-2016); chairman of the CCSH/UFSM Research Committee (2015-2016); counselor (2014 - 2016 and again 2019 - 2021) of the Center for Social and Human Sciences (CCSH/UFSM) vice-coordinator of the Graduate Program in Communication (2017-2019) and member of the Advisory Committee of the Dean of Graduate Studies -Graduate and Research - PRPGP/UFSM (2017 - 2020). She was the coordinator of the Graduate Program in Communication (CAPES 5 concept) at the Federal University of Santa Maria (2019-2021 Management). Her research interests and areas of expertise include digital cultures and technodiversity; digital inclusion; anthropology of consumption; studies in marketing, social entrepreneurship; digital transformation and innovation; Brazilian culture; material culture and globalization.


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How to Cite

Álvares da Trindade, T., & da Silva, S. R. (2022). Uma etnografia sobre desconexão voluntária:: motivações e estratégias para desconectar. Revista Eco-Pós, 25(3), 18–39. Retrieved from