“If you order my hair to be dyed, I will!”

The extreme whitewashing of children's programs


  • Ariane Holzbach




Made-for-children gameshows, racism, whiteness, children and media


The article makes a brief historical overview of made-for-children programs, with emphasis on gameshows, to highlight the establishment of the white-blonde phenotype in programs aimed at children on Brazilian television. I argue that this model was built based on a complex relationship established mainly from: 1) the context of the military dictatorship, 2) the free entry of imported children's content on television, especially US content, and 3) as part of an attempt at an extreme whitening of bodies in the media, in which Xuxa appears as the main (but by no means the only) exponent. To do so, I analyze visual, scenic, and narrative aspects of made-for-children programs aired during and after the military dictatorship and then focus on three products: Clube da Criança, O Balão Mágico and Xou da Xuxa. These programs built common threads guided by maintaining the myth of racial democracy in dialogue with the establishment of a phenotypic pattern fueled by very specific white expectations.


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How to Cite

Holzbach, A. (2023). “If you order my hair to be dyed, I will!”: The extreme whitewashing of children’s programs. Revista Eco-Pós, 26(2), 182–209. https://doi.org/10.29146/eco-ps.v26i2.28080